Markets Are Noisy...We Make Calm out of the Chaos

We are independent. Our research is unconstrained by trading positions, liquidity needs, political bias or influence. We are passionate about taking a 'top-down view of the world'. Exploring correlations in the economy and financial markets. Our unique tangential thought process and strong calls have garnered a global reputation.

Our research team is led by co-founder and global macro strategist Julian Brigden. With over 25 years of financial experience, Julian brings diverse talents to the research process, including an unrivaled understanding of global markets and politics. We provide macroeconomic insights to some of the world's largest investment banks, wealth managers, and family offices.


A Competitive Advantage

Our goal is to continuously refine our views so the client can prosper. The MI2 team has decades of market experience through bull and bear markets.

Refined Timing

We only publish when opportunities are identified, not on a set schedule. We don't speak out unless we have value to add.

Unparalleled Perspective

Our work is time-sensitive and impartial, focused on successfully navigating markets. Our research guides clients' strategic positioning and risk management.

Powerful Independence

We are authentic with our work producing research pieces on an impartial and time-sensitive basis focusing solely on the client's advances in the market.



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